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Wise Care 365 Pro 5.22 (Versi Gratis) adalah utilitas sistem all-in-one yang memeriksa komputer Anda untuk file sampah umum, entri registri tidak sah, dan tweak kinerja potensial. Setelah pemindaian awal, komputer Anda diberi skor “Indeks Kesehatan” dan Anda dapat meninjau item yang disarankan untuk diperbaiki dan menerapkan perbaikan. Jika ada masalah yang Anda lebih suka tidak tersentuh, Anda dapat menyesuaikan pengaturan pindai dan mengecualikannya. Daripada menjalankan pemindaian "perbaiki semuanya", Anda juga dapat menggunakan alat yang tersedia dan memindai komputer Anda secara manual untuk masalah yang dipilih.

Wise Care 365 Pro Serial Key Di Sini

Wise Care 365 Pro Serial Key tentunya merupakan pilihan yang paling disukai untuk sejumlah besar pengguna windows yang ingin mempertahankan PC windows mereka pada kinerja puncak. Ini memungkinkan sistem windows beroperasi lebih cepat dan membuat cookie, hard disk yang berharga dan ruang drive di dalamnya beberapa menit. Ini semua pilihan pembersihan mampu personalisasi untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut. Ini dapat menemukan lebih banyak masalah tidak valid daripada CCleaner, yang dapat diakreditasi PC World dan oleh Gizmos.
Wise Care 365 Pro Patch adalah all-in-one Computer tune up utility. Ini mungkin menjaga Windows Anda dijaga, cepat dan jelas. Wise Care 365 adalah berbagai macam Smart Disk Cleaner dan Sensible Registry Cleaner. Meskipun demikian, dengan fungsi memikat dan menarik lainnya, itu jauh lebih baik dari itu. Intinya yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah satu klik saat Anda. Dan komputer lama Anda akan menjadi merek baru dan terang-terangan dengan cepat setelah Wise Care 365 Pro untuk pembersihan dan tune-up otomatis PC.
Wise Care 365 adalah rangkaian alat canggih yang dirancang untuk melindungi privasi pengguna dan mengoptimalkan sistem operasi. Ia memeriksa seluruh komputer untuk berbagai elemen yang memerlukan pengoptimalan atau kemungkinan masalah keamanan saat menggunakan komputer.
Wise Care 365 membersihkan, mendefragmentasi dan mengoptimalkan sistem registry, dan sepenuhnya menghapus data pribadi pengguna untuk mencegah pengambilan nanti oleh alat khusus lainnya. potensi, itu meningkatkan stabilitas dan mempercepat startup dari sistem operasi.

Wise Care 365 Pro 5.2 Crack Serial Key

Kami juga akan menemukan di dalamnya modul khusus untuk membersihkan hard drive dari file yang tidak terpakai dan tidak perlu dan dari setiap jejak aktivitas pengguna (sejarah situs web yang dilihat, dokumen yang baru dibuka, dll.). Wise Care 365 mendefrag semua partisi sistem yang dibuat dan mengelola memori operasional.
Selain itu, program ini telah dilengkapi dengan alat yang sangat berguna untuk mengelola dan mengendalikan semua aplikasi dan layanan yang dijalankan dengan sistem operasi. Proses yang tidak perlu dapat dengan mudah dinonaktifkan, terima kasih untuk itu kami akan mempercepat peluncuran seluruh komputer.

Wise Care 365 Pro 5.2 Versi Lengkap Key

Wise Care 365 Pro 5.2.2 Build 517 Crack adalah respons terbaik untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan implementasi PC Windows Anda. Ini memberikan banyak pernak-pernik nilai yang luar biasa. Ini mengontrol setiap komponen PC Anda dan mendesak Anda untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Tempat terbaik untuk aplikasi ini adalah bahwa itu tidak mempengaruhi kecepatan perangkat Anda, yang berarti PC Anda tidak akan pernah terus berjalan mundur. Ini memungkinkan Anda memainkan tindakan apa pun atau upaya apa pun di komputer Anda. Ini memungkinkan Anda mengakses komputer Anda dengan energi. Anda dapat mempelajari setiap fiturnya tanpa banyak ekspansi.
Wise Care 365 Pro Unduh Versi Gratis Terbaru membuat PC Anda ada lebih dari pada waktu lain. Ini membersihkan semua file sampah, entri registri, riwayat, kursus sederhana yang tidak berarti, perawatan, kata sandi, penyimpanan dan berbagai catatan merusak, yang mungkin merupakan implementasi langsung di balik penjelasan. Perlindungan ini akan mengidentifikasi dan mempertahankan sistem apa pun yang menjanjikan untuk mengubah secara diam-diam jendela registri.

Lisensi Key Wise Care 365 Pro 5.2

Bagian 'Asisten Cerdas' dari Wise Care 365 Pro Serial Key Download adalah tempat berkumpul untuk berbagi bantuan dan memahami masalah PC. Pelanggan dapat meminta setiap permintaan tentang komputer pribadi mereka, dan profesional kami, yang memiliki apresiasi, pengalaman atau prosedur yang penting, akan menjawab permintaan ini. Kunci Lisensi Pro Perawatan 365 Pro adalah tidak diragukan lagi pilihan yang paling disukai, tindakan skala besar untuk pelanggan Windows yang ingin menjaga PC windows mereka tampil maksimal. Mengosongkan catatan registri windows yang tidak valid, menghapus laporan yang tidak berarti, riwayat unduhan, riwayat pemeriksaan, operasi pencadangan yang tidak valid, mengambil setelah, menyimpan, mengganti kata sandi, jendela lebih banyak bagian, dan catatan dengan peningkatan spesifik - Struktur jendela otorisasi bekerja lebih cepat, proses produksi membutuhkan waktu , dan ruang hard disk drive diperlukan dalam beberapa menit. Semua ini telah mengubah opsi pembersihan untuk pelanggan paling canggih.


  • UpClean, defragment, dan drive registri Windows.
  • Pastikan konfirmasi Anda dengan menghilangkan data berharga di bawah ini.
  • Mediator shroud atau catatan dasar.
  • Matikan PC Anda secara otomatis.
  • Lepaskan memori untuk meningkatkan kualitas pemrograman dan pengarahan ulang.
  • Opsi “Satu penyesuaian klik” langsung akan menyegarkan komputer Anda.
  • Program perisai mengubah titik kedatangan Explorer online Anda.
  • Ini mencegah aplikasi baru yang serius untuk dimasukkan ke dalam startup windows.
  • Mencegah perubahan pada program default.
  • Wise Care 365 Pro Serial Key Plus Cracked membersihkan, men-defragmen, dan memutakhirkan registry windows.
  • Hilangkan fragmentasi dan di hard drive.
  • Mengosongkan ruang · Lindungi jaminan Anda dengan menghapus singularitas data
  • Pulihkan laporan yang hilang
  • Sembunyikan laporan atau koordinator dasar
  • Mencegah penggunaan aplikasi individual yang tidak sah
  • Matikan PC Anda secara otomatis ·
  • Kosongkan memori untuk meningkatkan fokus dan Pemrograman Roaming Eksekusi
  • Beranda · Lisensi: Shareware · Bahasa: Sistem Multi-Operasi: Windows
Fitur yang Disorot:
  • Sistem Tune-up
  • Pelindung Privasi
  • Pembersih Sistem
  • Pemeriksaan PC
  • Pemantauan Sistem
Apa yang Baru di Wise Care 365?
  • Pembaruan terjemahan.
  • Juga, beberapa perangkat tambahan GUI.
  • Pembersih Registri yang lebih canggih.
  • Perbaikan bug kecil.
  • Sistem Pemantauan Hardware lebih stabil dan cepat
  • Beberapa masalah diperbaiki seperti kesalahan jenis memori dan teks kartu grafis yang kacau.
  • Juga, bug memperbaiki bug GUI di monitor 4k.
  • Beberapa pembaruan dalam file bahasa.
  • Perbaiki masalah bahwa Service Manager tidak menampilkan tombol kontrol.
  • Juga, banyak pembaruan Terjemahan.
  • Peningkatan: Antarmuka pengguna Grafis ditingkatkan.
  • Sekarang memulihkan Menyediakan pembersihan pelanggan.
  • Ini membantu Anda meningkatkan kinerja sistem Anda
  • Sangat mudah digunakan.
  • Antarmukanya sangat halus
Kunci Terbaru:

Kunci Seri Wise Care 365 Pro 5

Kunci Lisensi Wise Care 365 Pro 5

Kunci-kunci aktivasi Wise Care 365 Pro 5

Wise Care 365 Pro 5 Kode Pendaftaran & Tombol

Bagaimana cara Mengaktifkan?

  • Unduh Versi Baru dari Wise cleaner 365.
  • Instal dan jalankan.
  • Sekarang unduh crack dari tombol yang diberikan di bawah ini.
  • Instal file crack.
  • Nikmati versi terbaru dari Wise Cleaner 365.

Lindungi Sistem Anda di Real Time 
Mengambil tindakan cepat sekali beberapa aplikasi mencoba untuk membuat modifikasi tanpa izin Anda. pelindung ini akan mengidentifikasi dan menghentikan proses yang mencoba untuk diam-diam mengubah registry Windows.
    1. Mencegah program dari mengubah situs Internet Explorer Anda
    2. Mencegah aplikasi baru yang tidak diinginkan dari menambahkan ke dalam jendela startup
    3. Mencegah perubahan pada browser default

      Sebuah Komprehensif PC Cleaner Peningkatan

      Wise Care 365 adalah jelas pilihan yang lebih disukai untuk miliaran pengguna Windows yang ingin menjaga mereka PC Windows pada kinerja puncak . Mempercepat komputer yang lambat dan membebaskan ruang hard disk yang lebih berharga dalam hitungan detik.
        1. Menghapus entri registri Windows tidak sah, dengan mudah kembali dan memulihkan registri Windows.
        2. File temporer Windows bersih, browser bersih (IE, Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, dll) cache, download sejarah, riwayat browsing, Cookies, password. Wise Care 365 juga dapat membersihkan pintas yang tidak valid, jejak penggunaan baru-baru ini, file yang tidak berguna yang dibuat oleh aplikasi lain.
        3. Memindai seluruh sistem untuk membersihkan file dengan ekstensi tertentu.

          Alat Optimasi Sistem Tercepat di Dunia

          Wise Care 365 mengadopsi teknologi atas dunia. Ini mengoptimalkan kinerja PC, defrags disk dan registri Windows , dan mengelola proses startup serta layanan .
            1. Seiring waktu, komputer Anda hard disk drive dan registri akan menjadi berantakan. Wise Care 365 dapat men-defrag drive dan registri untuk membuat mereka terorganisir, sehingga membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih cepat dan lebih stabil. Anda akan kagum dengan kecepatan cetusnya defrag nya.
            2. Banyak program berjalan diam-diam di latar belakang saat Anda memulai komputer Anda. Wise Care 365 membantu Anda menonaktifkan program yang tidak dibutuhkan yang mengkonsumsi sumber daya berharga Anda sistem dan meningkatkan kecepatan startup PC.

              Ultimate Komputer Anda Privasi Protector

              Wise Care 365 melindungi privasi komputer Anda dari mencongkel mata.
                1. Privacy Eraser menghapus semua jejak dari setiap operasi komputer seperti browsing history dan file diakses, sehingga setiap operasi komputer Anda tetap rahasia.
                2. Disk Eraser mencegah data yang dihapus dari yang diambil oleh pihak ketiga.
                3. Disk Shredder dapat menghapus file secara menyeluruh sehingga mereka tidak pernah dapat dipulihkan.

                  Sistem Powerfull dan Utilitas Pemantauan Hardware

                  System Monitor menampilkan semua informasi penting dari komputer Anda.
                    1. Proses Monitor memberikan pengguna daftar yang jelas dan rapi dari semua proses yang dijalankan oleh pengguna dan sistem, pengguna dapat mematikan proses mereka tidak perlu membuat PC berjalan lebih lancar.
                    2. Ikhtisar Hardware menawarkan pengguna baik informasi singkat dan rinci dari semua komponen perangkat keras penting, membiarkan pengguna tahu tentang komputer mereka sekilas.

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                    Wise Care 365 Pro 5.1.8 Build 509 Final Full Patch

                    Wise Care 365 Pro Full adalah salah satu software terbaik untuk melakukan tune up PC anda atau untuk meningkatkan kinerja PC anda yang sudah semakin menurun performanya. Secara garis besar PC anda yang dibiarkan kerja terus menerus tanpa adanya perwatan ruitn akan mengakibatkan kinerjanya menurun dan jika dibiarkan terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan di PC anda. Oleh karena itu pada kesempatan kali ini, admin gigapurbalingga akan membagikan aplikasi Wise Care 365 Pro Full Version yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengoptimalkan kembali kinerja PC anda yang sudah menurun karena terlalu lama digunakan tanpa adanya perwatan rutin.

                    Software Wise Care 365 Pro Full ini terdiri dari beberapa fungsi yang akan mempercepat komputer anda sehingga komputer anda akan fresh lagi keadaannya dan dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Aplikasi ini secara khusus akan mengecek dan memperbaiki registry di system anda secara otomatis dan cepat. Selain itu adanya fitur one click maintance juga memungkinkan anda dengan mudah mengoptimalkan seluruh bagian dari PC anda dengan satu kali klik saja.

                    Disini kami juga sudah menyediakan keygen yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi Wise Care 365 Pro Full ini dengan gratis, sehingga anda dapat menikmati semua fitur premium dari program untuk mempercepat kinerja komputer yang satu ini.

                    Features of Wise Care 365 Pro Full Version
                    • Cleanse, integrate and optimize the Windows registry
                    • Integration and free up hard disk free space
                    • Protect your privacy by erasing traces of the remains of your activities on the computer
                    • Recover lost files
                    • Hide your important files and folders
                    • Prevent unauthorized use of your personal program
                    • Turn off automatic computer
                    • Free memory games and enhanced performance to make better use of heavy applications
                    • Usability features of “One Click Tune-up” to optimize the computer with a single click
                    Cara Instal :
                    1. Download dan ekstrak file “Wise Care 365 Pro Final Full Activator” ini.
                    2. Ekstrak juga file activator yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
                    3. Matikan koneksi internet.
                    4. Instal programnya seperti biasa.
                    5. Buka folder activator, lalu copy pastekan file activator ke dalam folder instalasi Wise Care 365 Pro yang ada di pc atau laptop anda.
                    6. Jalankan file activator dengan cara klik kanan lalu pilih run as adminsitrator.
                    7. Isikan email dengan bebas.
                    8. Klik Activate.
                    9. Klik Patch Host.
                    10. Blok aplikasinya dengan firewall.
                    11. Done.

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                    Reg Organizer is a set of efficient tools to tweak, optimize, and clean Windows, designed to effortlessly free up system resources and rev performance to the max. The set includes a visual autostart manager, an advanced uninstaller featuring search for leftovers of the uninstalled programs in the system, functions to purge unnecessary data, a powerful registry editor to quickly search and replace keys and data, and much more – all to keep your system healthy.
                    Reg Organizer is a multipurpose program for cleaning the Registry and its services, as well as work with configuration files. Allows you to view and edit the registry, preview the imported reg-files (including from Windows Explorer). Registry search feature can thoroughly search the registry to find all the keys related to the application. Reg Organizer also supports the management configuration files of various types.The utility allows you to view and edit the registry, preview the imported reg-files, including those from the Windows Explorer, and more. Registry search feature can thoroughly search the registry to find all the keys related to the application. The program also supports the management configuration files of various types. The program has a simple and easy to use interface with multilingual support, including support for Russian language
                    Download Reg Organizer Installer
                    Download Reg Organizer Crack -ADMIN REMEK

                    RePack by KpoJluk | RePack by D!akov | RePack by elchupacabra
                    Russian / English Registered and portable versions in a single installer.
                    Reg Organizer — is a multipurpose program for cleaning the Registry and its services, as well as work with configuration files. Allows you to view and edit the registry, preview the imported reg-files (including from Windows Explorer). Registry search feature can thoroughly search the registry to find all the keys related to the application. Reg Organizer also supports the management configuration files of various types.

                    The utility allows you to view and edit the registry, preview the imported reg-files, including those from the Windows Explorer, and more. Registry search feature can thoroughly search the registry to find all the keys related to the application. The program also supports the management configuration files of various types. The program has a simple and easy to use interface with multilingual support, including support for Russian language.
                    Key features

                    • Registry editor for viewing and editing of the registry to perform various operations c keys and values ​​of the registry, export and import values ​​of keys, etc.
                    • Cleaner Registry to search for unnecessary registry entries, as well as to find and fix problems in the registry.
                    • Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them if necessary. This is useful, for example, in the case where an application does not uninstall the program, and after removing it «manually» in the registry are unnecessary entries, which can lead to abnormal functioning of other applications. At the same time, Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys associated with the application, which are not found in other similar programs.
                    • Ability to change many of the «fine tuning» Windows (tweaks). In particular, you can speed up your system, ordering system to use more cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries from memory, etc.
                    • You can get information about any registry key and monitor changes in it.
                    • Preview of the registry files (*. Reg) before adding their contents, including directly from Windows Explorer. When you view the imported reg-file contents as a tree structure that allows to visualize all keys that will be imported into the registry.
                    • The search and replace in the registry is a handy tool for finding (and, if necessary, change) key or registry keys that meet the search criteria.
                    • Built-in software uninstaller. It can make «snapshots» of the system before and after installation, then you can completely «roll back» system changes, as if the application has not been established.
                    • Tools «Cleaning discs» allows automatic cleaning of your hard drive from various junk files, as well as search for and fix invalid shortcuts.
                    • Manage configuration files. With Reg Organizer lets you open and edit (add, edit, delete keys / sections) INI-files of various programs.
                    • Importing a program of new types of configuration files. With the help of the import you can describe a new type of configuration file, and then upload the files of this type and to work with them as a known file format that allows you to apply operations to them edit and change.

                    Install & Activation

                    • Generate a key keygen.
                    • Prescribe it to a file — regkey.ini
                    • Copy both files (updaterdll.dll, regkey.ini) in the program folder.
                    • Run a program, this register it! same key.
                    RePack by KpoJluk
                    • Type: installation, unpacking portable [Punsh]
                    • Languages: Russian, English
                    • Treatment: done [wequ]
                    • Optional: Pick-up settings from a file Settings.reg
                    Command line options:
                    • Silent install the normal version: / S / I
                    • Unpacking the portable version: / S / P
                    • Do not create a shortcut on the desktop: / ND
                    • Do not create a shortcut in the menu «Start»: / NS
                    • Selecting a location: / D = PATH
                    • Key / D = path should be the most recent
                    For example: Reg Organizer.exe / S / D = C: \ MyProgram
                    RePack by D!akov
                    • Type: Installation | Unpacking.
                    • Languages: Russian | English.
                    • Cut: nothing.
                    • Activation performed.
                    Command line options:
                    • Silent installation of the Russian version: / S / I
                    • Quiet unpack the portable version: / S / P
                    • It is also possible to select the directory for installation: After all the keys you need to add the / D =% path%
                    Example: Reg Organizer.exe / S / I / D = C: \ Reg Organizer
                    RePack by elchupacabra

                    • Combined in one distribution standard and portable version
                    • Does not require registration (ADMIN_CRACK patch)
                    • Optional integration into the context menu of EXE and MSI files (Standard version)
                    • Picks up external settings.reg configuration file, if it is next to the installer (for standard version).
                    • »Quiet" setting with keys /SILENT or /VERYSILENT
                    • For «silent» install an additional portable version PORTABLE key = 1


                    Homepage | Changelog
                    OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
                    Language: ML / ENG / RUS
                    Medicine: Crack / Patch
                    Size: 6,01 / 6,60 / 5,33 / 5,48 Mb.

                    Download From Homepage:
                    Final Installer | Final Portable | Beta Installer

                    Download Only Crack for Final version:

                    Download Only Patch:
                    DoUploads.com | Uplod.org

                    Download Final RePack (& Portable) by KpoJluk:

                    Download Final RePack (& Portable) by elchupacabra:

                    Download Final RePack (& Portable) by D!akov:
                     Added RePack by D!akov

                    Activate Windows 10 without using any software

                    Method 1: Manual activation

                    Step 1: Select the right key for your Windows.
                    Here is the list of Windows 10 volume license keys.
                    Home: TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
                    Home N: 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM
                    Home Single Language: 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
                    Home Country Specific: PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR
                    Professional: W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
                    Professional N: MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9
                    Education: NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
                    Education N: 2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ
                    Enterprise: NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
                    Enterprise N: DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4
                    Step 2: Right-click on the start button and open Command Prompt (Admin).
                    Step 3: Use the command “slmgr /ipk yourlicensekey” to install a license key (yourlicensekey is the activation key you got above).
                    (*Note*: You need to hit [Enter] key to execute commands.)
                    Step 4: Use the command “slmgr /skms kms.digiboy.ir” to connect to my KMS server.
                    Step 5: The last step is to activate your Windows using the command “slmgr /ato”.
                    Check the activation status again.
                    windows 10 activator 2017

                    Method 2: Using a batch file

                    Step 1: Copy the following code into a new text document.
                    @echo off
                    title Activate Windows 10 ALL versions for FREE!&cls&echo ============================================================================&echo Activate Windows 10 ALL versions for FREE!&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo #Supported products:&echo - Windows 10 Home&echo - Windows 10 Home N&echo - Windows 10 Home Single Language&echo - Windows 10 Home Country Specific&echo - Windows 10 Professional&echo - Windows 10 Professional N&echo - Windows 10 Education N&echo - Windows 10 Education N&echo - Windows 10 Enterprise&echo - Windows 10 Enterprise N&echo - Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB&echo - Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N&echo.&echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo Activating your Windows...
                    cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /upk >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ >nul&set i=1
                    if %i%==1 set KMS_Sev=kms.lotro.cc
                    if %i%==2 set KMS_Sev=kms.digiboy.ir
                    if %i%==3 set KMS_Sev=mhd.kmdns.net110
                    if %i%==4 goto notsupported
                    cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /skms %KMS_Sev% >nul&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo.
                    cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ato | find /i "successfully" && (echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo.&echo ============================================================================&choice /n /c YN /m "Would you like to visit my blog [Y,N]?" & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one... & echo Please wait... & echo. & echo. & set /a i+=1 & goto server)
                    explorer "http://RenewSoftware.com"&goto halt
                    echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo Sorry! Your version is not supported.&echo.
                    Create a new text document.
                    Step 2: Paste the code into the text file. Then save it as a batch file (named “1click.cmd”).
                    Step 3: Run the batch file as administrator.
                    Please wait…
                    Check the activation status again.
                    windows 10 activator 2017

                    Office 2016 is the latest version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, succeeding Office 2013. New features of Office 16 include the ability to manage and work with files in Microsoft OneDrive from the lock screen, a powerful search tool for support and commands called “Tell me” and co-authoring mode with users connected to Office Online.
                    Supported products:
                    – Microsoft Office Standard 2016
                    – Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
                    – Office 365 Professional Plus
                    Step 1: Copy the following code into a new text document.
                    @echo off
                    title Activate Microsoft Office 2016 ALL versions for FREE!&cls&echo =====================================&echo #Copyright: RenewSoftware.com&echo =====================================&echo.&echo #Supported products:&echo - Microsoft Office Standard 2016&echo - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016&echo.&echo.
                    if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16"
                    if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16"
                    for /f %%x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\proplusvl_kms*.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..\root\Licenses16\%%x" >nul
                    for /f %%x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\proplusvl_mak*.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..\root\Licenses16\%%x" >nul
                    echo.&echo ====================================&echo Activating your Office...
                    cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /rearm >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /unpkey:WFG99 >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /unpkey:DRTFM >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /remhst >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /ckms-domain >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /inpkey:XQNVK-8JYDB-WJ9W3-YJ8YR-WFG99 >nul
                    set i=1
                    if %i%==1 set KMS_Sev=kms.lotro.cc
                    if %i%==2 set KMS_Sev=kms.digiboy.ir
                    if %i%==3 set KMS_Sev=mhd.kmdns.net110
                    if %i%==4 goto notsupported
                    cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /sethst:%KMS_Sev% >nul
                    echo ------------------------------------&echo.&echo.
                    cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /act | find /i "successful" && (echo.& echo ====================================== & echo. & choice /n /c YN /m "Would you like to visit my blog [Y,N]?" & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo The connection to the server failed! Trying to connect to another one... & echo Please wait... & echo. & echo. & set /a i+=1 & goto server)
                    explorer "http://RenewSoftware.com"&goto halt
                    echo.&echo ======================================&echo Sorry! Your version is not supported.&echo Please try installing the latest version
                    Step 2: Open Notepad and Paste the code into the text file. Then save it as a batch file (named “1click.cmd”).
                    Step 3: Run the batch file as administrator.
                    Check the activation status again.

                    [v2018.11.01] KMS Tools by Ratiborus – Windows/Office universal activation tools AIO

                    This article along with all titles and tags are the original content of AppNee. All rights reserved. To repost or reproduce, you must add an explicit footnote along with the URL to this article!
                    Any manual or automated whole-website collecting/crawling behaviors are strictly prohibited.

                    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

                    Following the frequent update of Windows 10, it got continuous improvements on system stability. At the same time, high performance and relatively low hardware configuration requirement also makes the market share of Windows 10 keep rising. As a consequence, effective activation tools for Windows 10 are becoming more and more popular. One of the most active ones is Ratiborus‘ KMS Tools.

                    KMS Tools by Ratiborus (AKA: KMS Tools Portable) is a perfect all-in-one type of toolkit integrating all popular Windows/Office all versions’ universal activators and related tools made by Ratiborus (from Russia) in one place. It supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2, and Office 2010/2013/2016/2019.
                    // Included Tools //
                    AAct Network
                    KMSAuto Net
                    KMSAuto Lite
                    KMSAuto Helper
                    Office 2016 Install
                    Office 2013-2019 C2R Install
                    Office 2013-2019 C2R License Setup
                    MSAct Plus
                    Garbage Collector
                    PIDKey Lite
                    KMS Cleaner
                    UniCrypt 2016

                    // System Requirements //
                    Internet connection (for part tools)

                    // Prompts //
                    Before starting activation, for some tools, you need to keep your Internet connection enabled.
                    It is a good idea to close some sensitive antivirus software before running activators, in case the activation was blocked by mistake and cause failure!

                    // Download URLs //

                    Version Download Size
                    v2018.11.01 42.3 MB
                    v2018.10.18 42.0 MB
                    v2018.10.01 33.3 MB
                    v2018.09.01 30.3 MB
                    v2018.08.16 30.1 MB
                    v2018.08.01 32.8 MB
                    v2018.07.15 32.2 MB
                    v2018.07.01 35.1 MB
                    v2018.06.15 34.4 MB
                    v2018.06.01 35.6 MB
                    v2018.04.01 38.5 MB
                    v2018.03.01 38.1 MB
                    v2018.02.01 38.4 MB
                    v2018.01.07 37.2 MB
                    v2017.12.15 34.6 MB
                    v2017.11.16 34.1 MB
                    v2017.11.03 32.2 MB
                    v2017.10.12 32.1 MB
                    v2017.09.22 26.5 MB
                    v2017.09.01 25.3 MB
                    v2017.08.07 22.6 MB
                    v2017.04.08 19.5 MB
                    v2017.03.11 19.5 MB
                    v2017.01.12 reserved n/a
                    v2016.06.18 16.0 MB

                    (No Homepage)

                    If some download link is missing, and you do need it, just please send an email (along with post link and missing link) to remind us to reupload the missing file for you. And, give us to some more time to respond.

                    If there is a password for an archive, it should be "appnee.com".

                    IDM Crack 6.31 build 9 Patch full latest free download is 100% working Internet Download Manager crack. Therefore, in this version of IDM patch, fake serial Number is also fixed permanently. it is a downloading software which can make the downloading process multiple times fast in comparison with traditional downloading style, therefore, latest idm patch becomes choice of millions of people around the world. New download of idm crack full version is designed especially for those who are looking for to speed up downloading process. Therefore, it is more than convenient for end user to download HD 1080p , 720p videos from video hosting websites especially youtube including several other belong to same niche.

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                    Full version of IDM crack has built in smart logical downloading mechanism besides that it can join multipart downloaded files into single file. This is the way IDM Crack serve end users for what exactly user is looking for without breaking or losing a single byte instead the way Internet Download Manager crack works. In addition to this, it not only increase the speed of downloaded files, it can also help to decrease the time to download a particular file over the internet.
                    Internet Download Manager Idm with Crack contains an expansive problem solving framework with pause-n-resume download feature. Such features enable idm crack to restart interrupted download files because of internet connectivity issue. In addition to connectivity issues, you may reach your data limit problem of your internet bundle, framework issues, loss of power or power disconnection or sudden halt of operating system during downloading process. IDM Serial Key has an essential GUI, which makes it easy to use, or in case you slant toward, you can use Internet Download Manager crack free download from the command prompt. Most importantly, feature to directly connected with CMD in windows 10 or in other modern operating system gives you freedom to downloading process through command line features contained by idm crack.

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                    Idm 6.31 crack with Serial Keys Free Download is a standout amongst the most effective download managers in the world such as Download Accelerator Plus (DAP, Free Download Manager (FDP) or other similar software available over the internet. These software are available in both flavors such as shareware and freeware. Idm Crack 6.31 is the freshest or newly released version of Internet Download Manager series. It enables users to enjoy download speed higher not less than five (5%) as compared to normal downloading speed of browsers such as firefox and google chrome. Idm free download manager has fully automated functionality with intelligence to download files separately. It also emerges those files together just after its completion to serve end user complete and working version of downloaded mp4 , mkv , flv from youtube like websites without any issue.
                    Internet Download Manager Crack can be registered with the help of different downloading options available to register the idm. Most common ways to register idm is using idm patch , idm crack , idm keygen along with idm serial key and activation tools. Plenty of Internet Download Manager IDM Crack users prefer to use idm patch or idm serial key to register idm. So they can download videos, applications, software, games, audio, videos including HD videos, etc with fast downloading by utilizing maximum internet transfer rate available.

                    Latest IDM Crack Features

                    Latest version of IDM Crack 100% working is a demanding tool that can increase downloading speed or file transfer rate multiple times as compared to previously launched versions of idm. Therefore, these capabilities, idm 6.31 crack can restart broken or incomplete downloads if by one means or another lost of internet connectivity, system failure, PC shutdowns, or because of immediate power loss, and so forth.
                    With IDM Patch and this sort of downloading tool uses multi thread downloading technology in which you can download a wide range of file extensions including office document files as well. Hence, you can continue download which you have ceased or delayed whenever you want to resume it just because of this superb program mechanism idm crack has. The prominent and unique programming influences Internet Download Manager IDM Crack to split files into multi pieces just to connect server from different sources to deliver final file with great accuracy. Certainly, it oversees and quickening agents amid downloading. Internet Download Manager IDM Crack consequently associates with the accessible web interface included. Furthermore, login details can be entered by the users to download any file securely by experiencing best and unique downloading and fastest transfer/ downloading experience.

                    What is new in version IDM 6.31 build 9 Crack

                    (Released: October 18, 2018)
                    • Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
                    • Fixed the problems with Firefox and Google Chrome integration caused by some security applications
                    • Fixed bugs

                    Features of IDM 6.31 Serial Key Crack :

                    IDM Patch incl Crack and Keygen Full Version Free Download
                    • Built-in with Graphical User Interface (GUI)
                    • Users friendly interface with feature to modify it so it look according to requirement of users
                    • Important to increase downloading speed multiple times and idm patch is now become part of every internet user who ever want to download files through http, https or ftp or sftp protocols.
                    • Have advanced browser integration with all modern browsers especially with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape, including all other browsers.
                    • Advanced support to download HD videos from youtube, dailymotion with easily with the help of idm download panel just after playing the video and users can select different format of video available on the youtube according to requirement of end user.
                    • Able to download files especially in every scenario even where internet connection isn’t stable or limited according to data bundle.
                    • Can configure auto installation of idm browser integration with Google Chrome and Firefox without doing any additional settings without compromising functionality of idm full version.
                    • Idm crack also has feature to schedule downloading tasks according to requirement of user or under restrictions applied for website with limited download speed limit functionality.
                    • Grab video from modern web-players especially from Google Chrome with permission to transfer download to idm crack tool for the sake download files secure.

                    Latest IDM 6.31 Crack Working Serial Keys:


                    How to Install:

                    IDM Patch version
                    1. Install Internet Download Manager idm by running “idman631build9.exe”
                    2. Run “64bit Patch build 9.exe” or “64bit Patch build 9.exe” from Patch folder and install it according to your windows version
                    3. Done. Enjoy simplest IDM installation ever
                    IDM Crack version
                    1. Install Internet Download Manager idm by running idman631build9.exe
                    2. Copy everything crack folder into installation directory of idm
                    3. Run “register.reg” and add it to your registry even you can use your own name.
                    3. Done. Enjoy simplest IDM installation ever

                    Windows 10 X64 Enterprise with Office 2016 + Crack
                    Download Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC Final release and full Cracked Version. Released on 2016 with a powerful PC Operating System designed by Microsoft to windows users. This advanced PC Software is a universal application and also a part of Windows NT Family.
                    Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC –WINDOWS SOFTWARE– is also designed for Computers. While there is a similar version app which is designed for Mobile phones and also Smartphones and android phone. Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC is described as a receiver of ongoing updates and functions. It is also a free software download. However, you can get it fast below and install it with a single tap.
                    This advanced tool is very dynamic. However it makes your computer works fast compared to Windows7, Windows8…Moreover, Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC also allows you to receive critical updates and mostly positive reviews. In addition to this it also provides a long term milestones support.
                    Windows 10 Broughts loads of outstanding features. With a full comprehensive security tools: including Anti Virus. firewall. Defender and also anti-phishing technologies which protect your device lifetime. It also protect your computer from outcoming threats and also safeguard against future threats.

                    How to download and how to install Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC:

                    first of all:
                    – Download Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC Crack.
                    –Also  Download Windows 10 Enterprise March 2016 + Crack & MS Office 2016 (part 1)
                    – Download Windows 10 Enterprise March 2016 + Crack & MS Office 2016 (part 2)
                    –Also  Download Windows 10 Enterprise March 2016 + Crack & MS Office 2016 (part 3)
                    – Download Windows 10 Enterprise March 2016 + Crack & MS Office 2016 (part 4)
                    – Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,
                    – (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at slow speed.
                    – Finally Install and keep it on, you can also share this advanced tool with your freinds.

                    Windows 10 Pro X64 Build 14393 NORDiC Features:

                    – UEFI-ready
                    – (Use attached Rufus USB-tool to make UEFI-bootable)
                    – install.wim splitted for UEFI support (FAT32)
                    – Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 10.0 (Microsoft DaRT)
                    – Supports many languages including English.

                    Xara Photo Graphic Designer V3.6.5 Full Cracked
                    Xara Photo Graphic Designer Final Version is an advnaced windows software designed to make professional graphics and also photo designs with a powerful editing tools and enhanced features.
                    Xara Photo Graphic Designer provides an advanced interface where you can release your innovation. However, it includes a powerful text handling in addition to an advanced photo composition tools.
                    Moreover, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer V3.6.5 is a professional designer software which allows you to manipulate pictures with its outstanding creative effects. Since you download Xara Photo Graphic Designer Full Cracked you will not be compelled anymore to use any Photoshop CC Software that requires high supported RAM.
                    Download Xara Photo & Graphic Designer full cracked below. Create high quality project. And also improve your design illustration with improved graphics. In addition that it provides an easy save of projects and a high storage capacity of photos. This advanced windows program is also designed to beginners and not only to advanced or professional users.

                    Xara Photo Graphic Designer Featues:

                    – Advanced photo editing tools.
                    – Powerful enhancement features.
                    – Includes Vector Drawing tools.
                    – Powerful texting handle.
                    – Gorgeous interface.
                    – Simple use and easy controls.

                    How to Install Xara Photo Graphic:

                    – Install Program
                    – Then, Copy “PhotoGraphicDesigner.exe” To Install Directory
                    – Then, Copy Protein DLL To Protein Folder
                    – Done !

                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Crack Download

                    Download TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack with Serial Key offline installer for purpose of pc optimization. Its powerful pc optimization tool. As its name shown it’s fully advance tool to clean up, speed up, & power up your computer in no time. TuneUp Utilities 2017 Crack tracks down hidden junk and duplicate files to help you free up space. In various condition when you run your pc either online or offline data will be stored as cache on your hard disk drive. This software make old PCs live longer and new PCs run faster. Developers develop this software with lots of features and tool that enable you to keep your pc run faster and remove junk files that stored on your hard drive. You can get TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack incl Serial Key free from here.
                    One of the interesting feature of TuneUp Utilities 2017 Crack it can also plug on your computer security holes, fix bugs and even add more new features. You’ll get continuous updates for popular programs like Skype or Google Chrome. TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack will put draining programs into a smart Sleep Mode and decreases their impact on computer performance, battery life, network and storage to nearly zero. You also enjoy a fully automatic updater.
                    Many users round the world mostly want their pc should be run as faster even you can’t think. With just in single click AVG PC TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack remove the all junk data or from your hard drive and makes free space. I am also using this software from many years to increase the speed of pc and removing the junk from hard drive. TuneUp Utilities 2017 Serial Key used to registered or activate the TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack Software.

                    New Features of TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Version:

                    Android & Mac Apps Included
                    Cleans hidden clutter from your phone or Mac
                    Unlimited Install
                    Install on all of your personal PCs
                    Flight Mode
                    Enhance the battery life on the go
                    Compatible with Windows 10
                    Futureproof optimization & maintenance
                    Automatic Maintenance:
                    Automatically cleans up and speeds up your computer.
                    Program Deactivator
                    Stop unused programs from slowing down your pc speed.

                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack

                    Live Optimization
                    Prioritizes processes for optimum performance
                    Improved Disk Cleaner
                    Now cleans over 200 PC programs
                    Improved Duplicate Finder
                    Removes hidden duplicate files
                    Automatic Cleaning Updates
                    Continually increases the cleaning processes
                    Improved PC Health
                    More easily fix common PC issues with just a few clicks
                    Remote PC Cleaning
                    Clean up all your family’s Computers from any other PC or Android device

                    Installation process of TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack:

                    1. First of all download free TuneUp Utilities 2017 Crack from below links.
                    2. Open the setup on your computer.
                    3. For registration paste the TuneUp Utilities 2017 Serial Key.
                    4. Click to activate.
                    5. Wait until it completely install on your pc.
                    6. Done… enjoy to use TuneUp Utilities 2017 Registered version free.
                    Related Terms: You can find this software here in different ways TuneUp Utilities 2017 Crack, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Serial Key, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Free Download, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Keys, TuneUp Utilities 2017 Download.
                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Serial Key:
                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Product Key:

                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Serial Key

                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Keys: (Working 100%)
                    Supported Operating System:
                    TuneUp Utilities 2017 Full Crack support the following operating system.
                    • Windows 10
                    • Windows 8.1
                    • Windows 8
                    • Windows 7
                    • Windows XP
                    • Windows Vista
                    Note: Owners of this software are highly respectable you can get it from Official site

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